Archive for September 12th, 2008

Love Fridays

A happy Summery song for a happy Summery Friday.

Lovin’ Fridays over at Big Cat’s Emporium.

Aprony goodness!

You can never have too many aprons…look at this beauty:


One of my favourite prints ever! Aprons by Jessie Steele, available here.

Vintage Thingy Thursday

This week’s vintage thingy is a house. Alas, not my house. Last Sunday we attended an inter-war housing walk in Ballarat, and looked at some Art Deco goodness. This was not part of the tour, but I took it’s pic anyway, as it’s so lovely…

More Vintage Thurday Thingies here.

Postsecret too

Over at Bek’s blog, she had some pics of PostSecret cards which inspired me…so I thought I’d go pick some of my faves.  It’s amazing, that some people have already said stuff for me…or maybe not so?

So here’s a sort of meme, go to PostSecret on Photobucket and pick some of your faves…

blog portion

portion? (pôr'shən, pōr'-) n. 1. A section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole. 2. A part separated from a whole. 3. A part that is allotted to a person or group, as: i. A helping of food. ii. The part of an estate received by an heir. iii. A woman's dowry. 4. A person's lot or fate. loves to stitch! "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." - Anais Nin

Tempus fugit

September 2008


handmade by me:

Available from: Meet me at Mikes 63 Brunswick st, Fitzroy, Victoria.
stitchybutton for blog

pimp stitch


  • 145,538 hits

past portions

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[Current header picture from a photo here. I *heart* Shorpy!]

My friend Flickr

The op-shop shall provide

aka "things I'm hoping to find there":
- old fashioned wire soap shaker

- cupboard for sewing room

- leather suitcase/luggage

- 1930s glass lamp shade

- "78" records

- vintage perpetual desk calendar


split personality:

We love fridays! Play along!