Just in case…

you’ve wandered here via Pip’s lovely post, I’m currently posting at http://blogportion.blogspot.com.

One thing about me, alas, I have trouble with blog commitment…but I’m always babbling on somewhere!  I’ll try and import the posts in from Blogger as I remember. Okay?


Bulldog, originally uploaded by pinkpandamary.

I love love love this!!!


Not sure if I’m any wiser! Thanks to all the lovely people for the birthday wishes and pressies. Hooray!
Becca emailed me this LOL:
Humorous Pictures
more animals

Eye Spy Sunday…on Monday

I’m often a bit behind the 8-ball, this is because I live in Drewzel-world and am on Drewzel-time.
Super furry coat mama Cindy has got a new meme going, so I’m in!

Eye Spy…what I want for Christmas.

You know what I’d really like for Christmas? If the fairies would come and tidy up the house, throw out the clutter, pack away neatly the good stuff, and then give everything a thorough clean. That would be super thanks Santa.

PS. I’d also like my Flickr pro account renewed, and ditto for my Frankie subscription. Ta.

Last Brown Owls tonight

Crazy Owl Endpapers, originally uploaded by Dunny.

And I feel a bit sad…last time at the Clubhouse. It’s been a great year of owlin’!

Sunday Stash

fabric, originally uploaded by drewzel.

Today’s stash piece is one that I received yesterday as a birthday pressie* from my friend Christina (the Knitting Knut). It has no information on the selvedge and feels like a sort of mock-silk polyester. It was a remnant, so I probably will make a long rectangular scarf from it, in an effort to be “stylish” and “glamorous”.

*my birthday is Dec 3, for those who asked.

Drink THIS MUCH everyday…

Drink THIS MUCH everyday…, originally uploaded by marcoa84.

…just make sure it’s not champagne! Today was headache on the couch day.

scheDUEL entry

Playing along….

“Still feeling totally inspired by the handmade issue of mankind mag from my favourite design blog.Q What is the blog author’s firs name? ANSWER:use the first letter – LETTER: E

We like to keep lunch casual, I’ve found some fabulous BBQ recipes for the big day.Q What type of meat is pictured on the rotisserie? ANSWER:use the first letter – LETTER: L

Getting some great ideas for upcycling (my favourite craft) & enjoying the revamp over at this fabulous craft website.Q They list everyone’s favourite mama as one of their inspirational sites. Which mama is she? ANSWER:use the second letter – LETTER: O

Looking forward to being able to buy handmade at the shopping shindig with the craft book Queen.Q What type of car is pictured? ANSWER:use the first letter – LETTER: V

All these letters unscramble to reveal:

LOVE is all you need.” So true.

Check out Kootoyoo.

PS. as an aside, EVOL is also the name of my favourite Sonic Youth album.

Eye Candy

Pip put me onto this flickr user…and Kana* has some mega-cuteness in her photos. I loved this one, think I’m getting a bit of a “thing” for Bambi!

Retro deer hankie, originally uploaded by kana*.


The lovely JewelGirl tagged for the ‘8 things about me’ meme, so here we go, I think I have already done this one, but I love a meme!
1. Each player starts with eight random fact
/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their
own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. A the end of your blog post, you need to choose
eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling
them they’re tagged and to read your blog.”

More things about me:
1. Even though I ate LOTS of them as a uni student, I still love 2 minute noodles, and am always happy to partake.
2. I am easily overwhelmed by life, events, and a full calendar. This is mostly due to my depression/bipolar, and I need lots of quiet time for just me.
3. I would like to be able to swing dance, dress up like a Rockabilly chick, go to a dance party and be a hep cat. Alas, I’m not a very good dancer.
4. I must always go to the toilet before I leave the house. I think this is a habit instilled in me by my parents. However, on family drives, we’d always have to stop so dad could go to the toilet.
5. I have about 5 “regular” tea cups at work, all with varying states of dirtiness. Right now I have a tray full of dishes on the corner of my desk waiting to be washed. The fairies haven’t taken them away yet. Meh.
7. I have no concept of time…an hour turns into a day, a day to a week, week to a month…and I still haven’t done what I was meant to do, say, six weeks ago.
8. I LIKE Facebook. I know people say there’s exes and old schoolmates they don’t want to find (ignore! ignore!), but there’s also old friends and family members that I didn’t talk to enough, and now I do regularly via Facebook chat. That’s gotta be a good thing.
9. Bonus one: I like Britney! ahahahahh!

Umm, who hasn’t done this? Let’s tag:
Modern Day Pioneers
Two Cheese Please
A Deed Without a Name
Sparkly Green Knickers
Life in the Dome
Air Hair Lair
Scissors + Tape

…Okay. And if you’ve already done it, just give us 8 of anything. 8 Things about your children. 8 Things about your pets. 8 fave TV shows. 8 Things you hate about school holidays. 8 Things you like about public transport. 8 of anything!

A good thing

In my bloggy travels, I happened upon this:
The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge
If/when you have a spare $5 US, join in! What a good idea!

blog portion

portion? (pôr'shən, pōr'-) n. 1. A section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole. 2. A part separated from a whole. 3. A part that is allotted to a person or group, as: i. A helping of food. ii. The part of an estate received by an heir. iii. A woman's dowry. 4. A person's lot or fate. loves to stitch! "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." - Anais Nin

Tempus fugit

May 2024


handmade by me:

Available from: Meet me at Mikes 63 Brunswick st, Fitzroy, Victoria.
stitchybutton for blog

pimp stitch


  • 145,536 hits

past portions

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[Current header picture from a photo here. I *heart* Shorpy!]

My friend Flickr

The op-shop shall provide

aka "things I'm hoping to find there":
- old fashioned wire soap shaker

- cupboard for sewing room

- leather suitcase/luggage

- 1930s glass lamp shade

- "78" records

- vintage perpetual desk calendar


split personality:

We love fridays! Play along!